Welcome Leaders!

Business Expert Solutions offers educational tools for Executives, Directors and Managers who want to grow their leadership skills and confidence. We also have a peer-to-peer community, leadership coaching and live events.

The Business Expert Solutions courses and community help leaders get the practical information and inspiration they need to transform themselves and their organizations.

Meet Gord

Gord Sheppard is a leadership coach, facilitator, corporate trainer and organization consultant with 25+ years of experience, an MBA and Prosci Change Management Certification. He teaches a variety of topics including Effective Meetings, Conflict Management, Communication and more.
Gord Sheppard - Instructor for the course

“Gord has an uncanny gift of being able to read individuals and situations, while bringing out their best in a very short amount of time. He helped us produce great results that are truly actionable.”

Cynthia Annett - Board Chair, Special Olympics Edmonton

What You Get

In the BES community you'll get leadership courses, webinars, information and peer-to-peer interaction opportunities that will help you grow your leadership skills.

  • Peer-To-Peer Interactions

  • Webinars

  • Leadership courses

  • Coaching

  • Inspiration to grow your leadership skills

Want To Grow Your Leadership Skills?

Check out our leadership community

Other Services by Gord Sheppard

In addition to being an Instructor, Gord is also an experienced Leadership Coach, Meeting Facilitator and Organization Development Consultant

  • Leadership Coaching

    1x1 and Group

    Gord has helped thousands of Executives and Managers transform their leadership approach. He specializes in having honest conversations to help leaders work on their most important issues.

  • Meeting Facilitation

    Strategic Planning, Innovation, Negotiation

    Gord is a highly experienced Facilitator who helps leadership teams get the most out of retreats, strategic planning and innovation sessions and more. He has worked with Executive Teams, Boards and Corporate Departements.

  • Organization Development Consultant

    Grow Profitability, Improve Leadership & Processes

    Gord has worked as a consultant to help organizations of all sizes improve leadership capacity, improve processes and structure. He is also an objective outsider who can say what needs to be said so to help leaders take action on their toughest decisions.


  • How can I hire Gord Sheppard to work with me as a leadership coach?

    Send an email with your request to [email protected] and Gord will get in touch with you right away!

  • How can I get a copy of Gord's book called the 'Meeting Leadership Solution'?

    If you would like a PDF copy then just send a email request to [email protected]. If you want a physical copy then you can buy it on Amazon - https://www.amazon.ca/Meeting-Leadership-Solution-Professionals-outstanding/dp/0994929129

  • What other services does Gord Sheppard offer?

    Gord is also an Organization Development Consultant who can help you with strategic planning and change management. He is also a highly experienced meeting facilitator who can help your executive team or board with retreats, innovation sessions and strategic planning. He also coaches leaders 1x1.

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